Constitutional Provisions Protecting the Environment

Constitutional Provisions Protecting the Environment

The Indian Constitution is very unique and special. It was drafted by referring to the constitutions of many other nations. Since India is a multilingual and multi-religious country, and due care was taken to inculcate all the positive values and practices in the Constitution. With the signing of the Stockholm Declaration in 1972, India was … Read more

Hearsay Evidence under Indian Evidence Act

Hearsay Evidence under Indian Evidence Act

Evidence is important in any case as it helps in validating judgment. As per the Act, evidence is of 2 types: oral and documentary evidence. These are further divided into subcategories one of which is Hearsay evidence. Verbal and written statements are forms in which hearsay evidence is presented at hearings and trials to prove … Read more

Doctrine of Estoppel under the Indian Evidence Act, 1872

Doctrine of Estoppel under the Indian Evidence Act, 1872

It’s a human tendency to make claims, some true, some false. The problem arises when a person hearing this claim acts the same, to discover that the claim is wrong. This is where the Doctrine of Estoppel comes into play. This principle was established in the landmark case of Pickar vs Sears. Estoppel as a … Read more

Oral and Documentary Evidence

Oral evidence and Documentary Evidence

Evidence is a very important element in any case. A piece of strong evidence has the power to influence the case and have a huge impact on the judgement. The origins of evidence as a concept in India can be traced back to the Ancient Hindu Period. Before the enactment of codified law in India, … Read more

Section 307 of Indian penal code- Attempt to murder

Attempt to murder- IPC Section 307

Crime is defined as an act or omission that amounts to an offence that is punishable by law, at the time of being enforced. This definition indicates that all the stages of a crime i.e intention, preparation, attempt and completion are fulfilled in a positive or a negative act. Traditionally this view has been applied … Read more

Right to Freedom of Religion in India

Right to Freedom of Religion in India

Religion is a matter of belief or faith. The Constitution of India recognises how important religion is in India’s lives and hence, provides for the right to freedom of religion under Articles 25 to Article 28. The Indian Constitution predicts a secular model and provides that every person has the right and freedom to choose … Read more

Understanding the supervisory power of article 227

Understanding the supervisory power of article 227

Article 227 confers on every High Court the power of superintendence over all courts and tribunals throughout the territory of India in relation to which it exercises jurisdiction except any court or tribunal constituted by or under any law relating to the armed forces. The power of superintendence conferred on the High Court is not … Read more

Privacy and Data Protection Laws In India

Privacy and Data Protection Laws In India

Data protection laws refer to the set of policies, procedures and privacy laws that aims to avoid intrusion caused by the collection and dissemination of personal data. Data is broadly classified into two types: Public data which is made accessible to the public at large such as court records, birth and death records, basic company … Read more

Schools of Hindu law: Mitakshara and Dayabhaga

Schools of Hindu law Mitakshara and Dayabhaga

Hinduism is an ancient religion that has been professed, practised and followed by approximately 900 million people, it is the 3rd largest religion in the world with 95% of Hindus living in India. There are several customs, rules, traditions etc followed by Hindus that combine to create Hindu law. Hindu law is classified into 2 … Read more