Women Safety in India Essay

Women’s Safety in India Essay

Women’s safety in India is a crucial topic that has garnered significant attention over the years. Ensuring the safety of women is not just about protecting them from physical harm but also about providing them with a secure environment to live, work, and thrive. This article delves into the current state of women’s safety in India, exploring the various challenges and initiatives aimed at improving it. The primary keyword, women’s safety, will be discussed thoroughly to understand the nuances of this issue.

The safety of women in India has become a major issue over some time. The crime rate against women in India is increasing day by day. Now the situation is that women think twice before going anywhere alone. In particular, nighttime is considered a dangerous time for women in India to travel or even move outside the home.  But, due to the use of the internet, women are no longer safe even inside the home due to the threat of various types of cybercrimes.

The Constitution of India provides equal rights to men and women by providing fundamental rights and other important rights. Women have all the rights by which they can help in the growth and development of the nation. According to the laws in India, women are equal to men. They can do any type of work where they feel comfortable and confident. But still, the women in India feel unsafe and live in fear. The reason behind this fear is the crimes against women in India.

In this article on the safety of women in India, we will discuss all the reasons behind the fear of women in India and laws related to the safety of women in India.

The Current Scenario of Women’s Safety in India

The safety of women in India has been a matter of concern for decades. Despite various efforts by the government and non-governmental organizations, incidents of violence against women, such as domestic violence, sexual harassment, and trafficking, continue to occur at alarming rates. Reports and surveys indicate that a significant number of women do not feel safe in public spaces or even within their homes.

Challenges to Women’s Safety

Social and Cultural Barriers

Social and cultural norms play a significant role in the safety of women in India. Traditional mindsets and patriarchal attitudes often limit women’s freedom and mobility, making them more vulnerable to violence and harassment. Gender discrimination and societal stigma also discourage many women from reporting incidents of violence.

Legal and Law Enforcement Issues

Although India has numerous laws aimed at protecting women, the implementation and enforcement of these laws are often inadequate. Delays in legal processes, lack of sensitivity among law enforcement personnel, and inadequate support systems further exacerbate the situation.

Economic Factors

Economic dependence on men and lack of financial independence make many women more susceptible to exploitation and abuse. Financially dependent women may find it difficult to escape abusive situations or seek legal recourse.

Government Initiatives and Policies

Legal Reforms

The Indian government has introduced several legal reforms to enhance the safety of women. Laws such as the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, of 2005, and the Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, of 2013, have been enacted to provide better protection and justice to women.

Awareness Campaigns

Various awareness campaigns have been launched to educate the public about women’s safety and gender equality. Campaigns like “Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao” aim to change societal attitudes towards women and promote their empowerment.

Support Systems

The government has established support systems such as women’s helplines, shelter homes, and counselling centres to assist women in distress. These services provide immediate help and long-term support to victims of violence.

Crimes against women in India

According to the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) report, 88 rape cases per day have been registered in India in the year 2019. Also, the report states that the vulnerability to rape has increased by up to 44% in the last 10 years. These are the rapes that are registered, no one knows the exact figure of unregistered cases. Every day, we see cases related to gang rape, brutal murder etc.

In India, women have been given the status of goddess. Yet, we hear of crimes against women in India every day. Sometimes these crimes are also very painful to hear. There is a long list of crimes against women in India. The acid attack is one of the heinous crimes which destroy the life of a girl. In India, there are many cases related to the acid attack in which acid attack survivors are battling to live their lives.

Honour killings are a very common crime in India in which the family kills their girls in the name of honour to keep up the reputation of the family in front of society. You have seen man honour killing incidents on social media where some are registered and some are not even registered in the police station. No one takes the action to even launch an FIR against such crimes.

Female feticide is the process of ascertaining the sex of the fetus. Although it is considered illegal in India, it is increasingly used for abortion if it is a baby girl.

Rape and marital rape is also common in India. Section 375 of the Indian penal code talks about the rape of a female, but it exempts the husband from any legal punishment if he forces his wife into intercourse without her free consent.

Many laws deal with the safety of women. For example, Section 354 of the Indian penal code deals with the punishment for a person who uses criminal force on any woman to outrage her modesty.

Reasons behind the crimes against women in India

Patriarchal Mindset

Due to the Patriarchal mindset, men believe in their superiority. The males are considered as more strong than females and it is the main reason that they take advantage.

Entertainment media

Movies and other TV shows present women very poorly. It influences other people to think wrong against every woman.

Delay in punishment

In India, the judiciary takes much time to serve justice. It is not the fault of the judges of the court. The fault is in the process given under law for fair trials and the number of cases in the courts. It slows down the process of deciding the litigation and delays the justice.

No hard punishment

The death penalty in India is given only in the rarest of rare cases. Life imprisonment is considered to be the harshest punishment in India. India has adopted the reformative theory of punishment which gives another chance to the criminal by reforming him which is not enough in some heinous crimes against women in India.

Lack of awareness

Our society is not ready to discuss sex and menstruation. This is the main reason why women hide the crimes happening to them due to lack of awareness. Society fails to provide necessary awareness related to crimes that can help women to defend themselves.

Lack of education

There is a lack of education in India. People do not understand the importance of education. Due to this, young children are engaged in the work of child labour where they have to face various types of crimes like physical harassment etc. Sometimes, these children are forced into prostitution.

Ways to Ensure Women’s Safety

The government is taking necessary measures to ensure women’s safety in India. There are the following ways that can also be used to ensure the safety of women in India:

Police patrolling

There must be police patrolling at night so that the women can come back home safely from their jobs.

Installation of cameras

The government should use the new technology to stop the crimes against women by installing cameras on every road which can help to stop any crime.

Night drop cabs and rickshaws

There should be women staff in cabs to drop off and pick up women even in late-night hours.

Social awareness

The government should start awareness camps in schools and colleges to aware students aware of the crimes.

Toll-free numbers

The government should provide toll-free numbers so that females and others can contact these numbers for help.

Sex education

Sex education should be added to schools and colleges. It will help the children to know about sex-related crimes.


Self-defence training in schools and colleges should be mandatory.

Making laws more strict

The laws related to crimes in India are not very strict. These laws must need more strictness so that the person who breaks these laws should take higher punishment.

Role of Technology in Enhancing Women’s Safety

Mobile Applications

Several mobile applications have been developed to enhance women’s safety. Apps like “Himmat” and “Raksha” allow women to send distress signals to emergency contacts and law enforcement agencies at the touch of a button.

Social Media Platforms

Social media platforms are powerful tools for raising awareness about women’s safety issues. They enable women to share their experiences, seek help, and mobilize support for various causes related to their safety.

Surveillance Systems

The installation of surveillance cameras in public places has been a significant step towards ensuring the safety of women. These systems help in deterring potential offenders and providing evidence in case of incidents.

Community and Societal Efforts

Education and Awareness

Education is a vital tool in promoting women’s safety. Schools and colleges should include gender sensitization programs in their curriculum to teach students about respect and equality from a young age.

Community Policing

Community policing involves the active participation of community members in ensuring their safety. It fosters trust between the police and the public, making it easier for women to report incidents and seek help.

Support Networks

Support networks, including women’s groups and NGOs, play a crucial role in providing assistance and advocacy for women. These organizations offer counselling, legal aid, and rehabilitation services to survivors of violence.

Personal Safety Tips for Women

Traveling Safely

When travelling, women should take precautions such as sharing their travel plans with trusted individuals, using verified transportation services, and avoiding isolated areas, especially at night.

Online Safety

Online safety is equally important. Women should be cautious about sharing personal information on social media, use strong passwords, and be aware of online scams and cyber harassment.

Self-Defense Techniques

Learning self-defence techniques can empower women to protect themselves in dangerous situations. Many organizations offer self-defence classes specifically designed for women.

Impact of Media on Women’s Safety

Media Coverage

Media coverage of incidents related to women’s safety can have a significant impact. Responsible reporting can raise awareness and prompt action, while sensationalism can lead to victim-blaming and trivialize the issue.

Role of Cinema and Television

Cinema and television have a powerful influence on societal attitudes. Positive portrayals of strong, independent women can inspire change, while negative stereotypes can perpetuate harmful norms.

Understanding Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)


What are the main challenges to women’s safety in India?

The main challenges include social and cultural barriers, inadequate legal enforcement, and economic dependence on men.

How can technology help improve women’s safety?

Technology can improve women’s safety through mobile applications, social media platforms, and surveillance systems that offer immediate help and raise awareness.

What government initiatives exist for women’s safety in India?

Government initiatives include legal reforms, awareness campaigns, and the establishment of support systems like helplines and shelter homes.

How can communities contribute to women’s safety?

Communities can contribute through education, community policing, and creating support networks for women.


There is a need for the safety of women in India. We should take the necessary steps to decrease the crimes against women in India. Every person should be aware of the crime so that he/she can protect himself/herself from such crimes. Also, the government should focus on women’s empowerment

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